In honor of Thanksgiving approaching, we would like to extend our gratitude to all who support Dawson Place.
From the bottom of our hearts, we are thankful for each and every person, organization, and community member who has supported Dawson Place since we opened our doors in 2006. By supporting Dawson Place, you have changed the lives of more than 14,000 children who have come to us for help. You have helped kids, teens, and families find safety, justice, and healing through the unthinkable and unimaginable.
To our sponsors and donors, your generous funding has allowed us to provide the necessary services for victims and families at no cost, removing major obstacles for children and families. Your support allows us to better the services and programs offered at Dawson Place, and continue to add new services such as our free parenting program.
To our co-located agencies and partners, from the advocates, therapists, medical team, prosecutors, interview specialists, investigators, and administrative staff, you all play an important part in serving victims and families. Every person who makes up our incredible team of professionals better the lives of victims and families every day, and we are grateful for all the work done.
To those who have taken the time to learn more about child abuse prevention, your continued education and voice change the lives of thousands. Thank you to each person who has shown up to a training, asked more at events about how they can use their voices to end child abuse, and assisted their fellow community members in learning more about child abuse prevention.
To our community partners who continue to spread the word about Dawson Place, thank you for providing support in so many ways. You help more children and families find our services, you help raise funds for us to continue doing the important work done in our building, and continue to ask how you can support us. Community is everything, and we are so thankful to be part of an incredibly supportive one.
To our Board of Directors, for your continued guidance and support for the work done at Dawson Place. Your support assures the viability of Dawson Place for years to come, so children and families can rely on us for caring, professional help.
We thank you!